Are you a business owner looking for New Jersey LLC Alternate Name Renewal ? With the ever-changing nature of business, sometimes it’s important to Renew Alternate Name your LLC to ensure the most accurate records are kept.
There are various ways to do this based on your state.
This guide will walk you through the steps to correctly do this for yourself in New Jersey:
1) Check off the Statutory Authority that applies to your business. In this case, it will be Title 42:2C-4 Limited Liability Company
2) Enter the name of the entity
3) List the ten-digit Business ID
4) Enter the state of Formation
5) Enter the date of Formation
(a) For foreign LLC enter the date of authorization
6) Enter the alternate name that you wish to register again.
7) State the business purpose
8) Leave blank
9) If the alternate name was previously used before the effective date, enter the month and year such use commenced.
10) Indicate the date the current registration of the alternate name given above was filed with
the New Jersey State Treasurer.
11) Enter Signature, name and date
12) Title is "Authorized Representative"
There's multiple ways to submit this form - online, by mail, via fax, in-person.
1) Go to
2) Click on "File an Amendment or an Alternate Business Name" and select start the filing process
3) List the ten-digit Business ID
(a) The business ID can be found on the Certificate of Formation
4) Select the business type
5) Date of Incorporation/Formation MM/YYYY
6) Click on C-150G
7) Click I Agree
8) Add the Alternate Name you wish to renew and state the purpose or activity to be conducted using the Alternate Name.
9) Tick the box if the Business intends to use the Alternate Name in this State
10) Click "Yes" or "No" for the violation of this statute question
(a) For "Yes" the Penalty fee is $50
11) Review and continue
12) Enter each manager's first and last name or an authorized representative
13) Title is Manager
14) Tick the attestation box
15) Select payment type, the filing fee is $50
(a) Credit card payment attracts a Service Fee of $2.50
(b) E-Check payment attracts a Service Fee of $1.00
16) Pay.
17) Download the Business Formation Document.
1. Complete the form and submit in duplicate. Nonprofit organizations must submit form C-150R in triplicate.
2. Make checks payable to: TREASURER, STATE of NEW JERSEY. (No cash, please)
3. Mail to: NJ Division of Revenue, PO Box 308, Trenton, NJ 08646