You can burn important data, such as backup or system files, to DVDs. You can also burn your own media files, such as picture slide shows or home movies, to DVDs. Use Microsoft Word templates to create custom covers for your plastic DVD jewel cases that will help you to identify and categorise your personal DVD collection.
Start Word and open a blank document. Go to the "File" menu in Word 2003, click the "Office Button" in Word 2007 or go to the "File" tab in Word 2010. Select "New." Type "DVD" into the "Search Microsoft Office Online for Templates" box. Press the "Enter" key. A list of relevant templates appears. Click to select the "CD/DVD Case Inserts" template, which works with all versions of Word. Click the "Download" button. The template opens as a new document.
Select the text in the "Enter Text for CD/DVD Spine Here" text box on the left side of the template. Type the text you want displayed on the left spine of the DVD case over the sample text. Select the text you just typed, right-click and click "Copy." Click inside of the corresponding "Enter Text for CD/DVD Spine Here" text box on the right side of the template. Select that sample text, right-click and click "Paste" to duplicate the text for the right spine of the DVD case.
Click inside of the "Add Text and Graphics for Back of CD/DVD Case Insert Here." Press "Ctrl+A" to select all of the text in that text box. Type the text you want displayed over the sample text. Select and type over the text in the "Add Text and Graphics for Front of CD/DVD Case Insert Here" text box.
Insert a picture into the "Add Text and Graphics for Front of CD/DVD Case Insert Here," the "Add Text and Graphics for Back of CD/DVD Case Insert Here" or both. Click inside of the text box where you want to add a picture. Go to the "Insert" menu in Word 2003. Point to "Picture." Select "Clip Art" if you want to insert an image from the clip art gallery or choose "From File" to insert a picture on your computer. In Word 2007 or 2010, go to the "Insert" tab. Select "Picture" in the "Illustrations" group to insert a picture on your computer. Select "Clip Art" if you want to insert an image from the clip art gallery.
Go to the "File" menu in Word 2003, the "Office Button" in Word 2007 or the "File" tab in Word 2010. Select "Print" and click the "Print" button to print the DVD cover. Fold the cover to fit inside of your DVD case. Trim off any excess paper with scissors. Save the DVD cover document before closing Word if desired.